Posted by Tomball Lions Club on Jan 11, 2019
Tomball Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced special guest, Past District Governor Eddie Risha, member of the Conroe Noon Lions Club and MD-2 Committee Chair for the Texas Lions Museum and Office.  Pictured from Left to Right are: Lion Director Erin Stapleton, PDG Eddie Risha, Lion HRF Director and wife Diana Risha and Lion President Bubba. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced special guest, Past District Governor Eddie Risha, member of the Conroe Noon Lions Club and MD-2 Committee Chair for the Texas Lions Museum and Office.  PDG Eddie introduced his wife, Lion Diana Risha, a member of the Cut and Shoot Lions Club.  PDG Eddie gave an interesting presentation on the history behind and current status of the Texas Lions Museum and Office located in Kerrville, TX.  The museum has been a 50+ year dream of the Texas Lions to preserve, record and maintain the history of the Lions of Texas.  An existing building was purchased in 2014 for $350,000 on Legion Drive in Kerrville and is currently being remodeled to accommodate the museum and office.  Plans are to have a July 2019 grand opening.  A museum curator has been hired and Lions artifacts and items of historical significance are being collected and cataloged.  Various Lions Clubs have donated materials and labor for the remodeling project.  The total funding needed to complete the build out is $120,000.  This amounts to ~$7,000 per district or, in the case of our District 2-S2, $200 per Club.  The Tomball Lions Club contributed this amount to the Texas Lions Museum and Office Foundation in late 2018.  In order to sustain funding for ongoing operations, Life Memberships are available for $100 (see attachment) and Everett J. “Ebb” Grindstaff Fellowships are available for $500 (see attachment).  Lion Ebb with the Ballinger Lions Club (near San Angelo, TX) was International Lion President in 1978, a strong proponent of the Texas Lions Museum and instrumental in bringing this dream to fruition.   For contact information go to: