Posted by Al Gerhardt on Feb 19, 2018
The Tomball Lions Club members President Bubba Hardee, Secretary Mike Halbach, Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Membership Chair Dale McCarty and newest Lion member Alex Mohnke attended the 2018 District 2-S2 Mid-Winter Conference. Lions pictured in the photo (l/r) Lion First Vice District Governor Karl Johnson, Tomball Lions Club new member Alex Mohnke, District Governor Betty Ezell, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Guest Speaker MD-2 Council Chair Rick Talbert and wife Lupita. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
The Conference was attended by about sixty District 2-S2 Lions and Guest Speaker MD-2 Council Chair Rick Talbert from Weslaco. This was the first District Conference that new Lion member Alex Mohnke had attended. He participated in two breakout sessions. He was so happy being at the convention and everybody made him feel welcome.
Additional photos from the conference can be seen below: