TBLC Lion Mike Halback welcomed guest speakers Dennise & Peter Braithwaite from Alberta, Canada to the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured left-right are Zone Chairperson Zone 1-A Dennise Braithwaite of the Crossfield, Alberta, Canada Lions Club, Lion President Jerome Teichmiller, and President Lion Peter Braithwaite of Carstairs Alberta, Canada Lions Club. Lion Mike Halbach provided the photo.

Lion Mike Halbach introduced guest speakers Dennise Braithwaite of the Crossfield, Alberta, Canada Lions Club and President Lion Peter Braithwaite of Carstairs Alberta, Canada Lions Club. The Braithwaites were visiting family in the Tomball area and decided to attend the Tomball Lions Club meeting. Lion Peter Braithwaite is President of the Carstairs, Alberta, Canada District Lions Club which is located in Zone 1A, District 37-O.His wife, Dennise Braithwaite, with the Crossfield, Alberta, Canada Lions Club is Zone Chairman, Zone 1A, District 37-O. Each discussed projects, programs and activities they are involved in within their Lions Club and District.
