Tomball Lion President Paul Hancock Introduced a great speaker Lion John Griffin of the Montgomery Lions Club. Group Picture L-R is Lion Chaplain John Griffin, Pres Lion Paul Hancock, Director Lion Bubba Hardee, and Director Lion John Phillips.
John made a presentation about his role as a prison chaplain and his long time vision of providing vision screening for prison inmates. Lion John Griffin Chaplain with the Montgomery Lions Club Lion John has been a Texas prison Chaplain for a dozen years.  His decade old dream came to fruition in 2023 as the Lions Club screened and fitted over 1,000 inmates with eye glasses.
Lion John was a commercial pilot for years after the United States Air Force. He has a bachelor’s degree in international business He built a new home in the Woodlands when the population was only 20,000 people. Married to Kay for 56 years and they have two sons. Lion John and his family have traveled to over 110 foreign countries where he has visited Lions Clubs in many of those countries. 